Slimming World - Amazing Together

Slimming World Monthly Newsletter amazing together
Welcome to your winter issue of Amazing Together, here to see you safely through the festive fortnight and into an exciting new year!

To kick off the Christmas countdown, here’s an inspiring message from Slimming World’s founder and chair, Margaret Miles-Bramwell.
A sleighful of support
With just a few days to go, are you looking forward to everything Christmas brings or wondering what the next couple of weeks could mean for your hard-earned weight loss?  

However you decide to approach the holidays, here at Slimming World – and with the support of your group – we’ve got you covered! 
Your perfect fit
Seasonal strategies image
If you’re worried your willpower just can’t take the strain this Christmas, you’re not alone! Switch to choice power and decide how you’ll choose to ‘do’ Christmas. Take a look at our three seasonal strategies and choose the strategy that will work best for you – to help you safeguard your success and get ever closer to your dream weight.
Seasonal strategies
Say 'cheers' to choice power
If your chosen Christmas strategy means a mindset change around festive drinks, give yourself a high-five for recognising and committing to it. Watch our new ‘tipping point’ video – packed with inspiration – to decide on your personal ‘safe tipple plan’.
Bottoms up!
The greatest gift of all, new for 2024
Whether you stick to your strategy like glue or ‘drift’ a little (we’ve all been there ), the very best thing you can do is go back to group straight away. There’s never any judgement – just tons of ideas, motivation and encouragement.

Plus, there’s a flurry of gifts to supercharge your success. Make sure you’re in group to pick up your brand-new Member Pack (for free!), a commitment-boosting Countdown and recipe book, plus exclusive food range offers.

All our love for the most magical Christmas, and wishing you every success in 2024.
Your friends at Slimming World x
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You’ve received this email as part of your exclusive membership package. It’s designed to complement the invaluable support you receive from your Consultant’s Slimming World group and help you lose weight, achieve your dream target and stay slim for life.

Registered Office: Slimming World, Clover Nook Road, Somercotes, Alfreton, Derbyshire DE55 4SW.

 Slimming World 2023


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